Request Appointment
Schedule Appointments 24-Hours a Day!
Request an Appointment
We are currently booking men’s medical appointments Monday through Friday. Please submit your information below, and we will contact you to schedule a time that fits your schedule best.
First Visit
On your first visit, our providers and clinical staff will spend time getting to know you, your symptoms, and goals, as well as your medical history. We will also draw blood to help determine the cause of your symptoms. We schedule a follow-up appointment to review your comprehensive results.
Follow Up
This second visit will occur within one week after your initial appointment. We will discuss the results of your bloodwork and, depending on the treatment plan desired, may need a second confirmatory blood draw as may be required by insurance. Based on your goals and the results, we will establish a treatment plan to help you reach your goals and help you get back to living the life you desire again.
10 Hanover Square, Manhatten, N.Y. 10005 -NYC